Autobahn travelers in the Salzburg area will find delicious traditional food and comfortable overnight accommodations at Gasthof Schorn, 8 kilometers (5 miles) south of Salzburg at the Salzburg-Süd-Grödig exit on the Autobahn toward Hallein. The Schorn offers 16 double rooms all equipped with private toilet and shower or tub, direct-dial phone, satellite TV and balcony. Breakfast is buffet style and parking is free for guests.
The hotel is done in the style of the region, with elaborate frescoes both inside and out. The massive dining room is more like a church than a restaurant with domed ceiling, marble floors, concrete pillars, arched side galleries and a raised altar-like area at the far end. It is a lively local favorite, however. Mostly because of what comes out of the kitchen; heaping plates of hearty, delectable food delivered by traditionally dressed servers.
How about Steirische Salatschüssel mit Kernöl und speck würfel (about €6), a massive salad of giant white beans, chunks of smoky bacon, potato and zucchini slices, carrot slivers, shredded cabbage and greens, all in a wonderful Styrian dressing? Or slices of incredibly tender roast pork leg swimming in rich pan juices (Schweinsbraten mit Semmelkndel und Kraut salat) for €8. A splurge might be an intensely flavorful game stew (Wildragout mit Semmelknödel und Preiselberren) for around €10. Finish up with Eispalatschinken (crêpes with ice cream) drenched in chocolate sauce and whipped cream (€4, enough for two) and the world is suddenly a better place. Without beverages a recent meal there cost about €26 for two persons.
If hotels in the Salzburg Zentrum are fully booked or too pricey, the Schorn is an inexpensive and charming alternative. Berchtesgaden, too, is just 14 km (9 miles) down the road.
Contact: Gasthof Schorn St. Leonhardstrasse 1, A-5083 St. Leonhard-Grödig, tel. +43/06246/72334, fax 72334-40, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Prop: Familie Ziegler
Daily Rates: Singles €35-43, doubles €70-86
Hotel Rating: Quality 11/20, Value 16/20
Restaurant Rating: Quality 15/20, Value 18/20