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#9 Hallstatt
This tiny, unique village on the steep side of a Dachstein foothill above the waters of the solemn Hallsttersee, is traversed by one narrow road restricted to residents and delivery vehicles which is regulated by five-minute stoplights at each end of town. Its train station is on the lakes opposite shore. Hotels and food are simple and there is little nightlife.
Top Sights
- Parish Church
- Chapel of St. Michael and its charnel house packed with skulls and bones (occupants of the tiny cemetery are exhumed and moved to the charnel house after just a few years in the ground)
- Heimatmuseum
Suggested Activities
- Visit the local salt mines
- Electric boat trip on the lake
- Excursion to Dachstein Caves
Places to Stay
- Hotel Grüner Baum Marktplatz 104, A-4830, tel. +43/06134/8263, fax 8420
- Haus Sarstein, A-4830 Hallstatt 83, tel. +43/06134/8217
Food Suggestions
- Dine at your hotel.