An excellent choice if you are willing to pay for something small, historic and luxurious. Like the Zum Dom, the Schlossberg combines the contemporary and the antique, but here the scales tip toward the latter, and both are offered at a much higher level of luxury.
The modern world is represented mainly by the art on the walls (by such notables as Hermann Nitsch, who fortunately decided to use paint this time), while numerous antiques fill both guest and public rooms.
The lounge features an exceptionally attractive collection of Biedermeier sofas and old leather reading chairs, which are worth stopping by just to relax in. (If you need to justify your visit, you can buy a drink from the small lobby bar).
During warmer months, the main attraction is the hotel's open air terrace that rises in three tiers up the steep slope of the Schlossberg, offering wonderful views over the old town and the river.
Breakfast is served in a spacious room or in a sunny, nonsmoking wintergarden in the building's enclosed courtyard.
Rooms are decorated in muted tones with thick carpeting, well-made reproduction furniture, as well as a good-quality antique or two, such as a centuries-old oil portrait or a small turn-of-the-last-century chair still clothed in its worn, original leather.
The marbleized tile bathrooms vary in size, but all have good sized tubs. Room Number 4 is an especially nice double with a heavy wood beam ceiling. Nearby Numbers seven and two (a ground floor twin) are also good choices. Parking is available for a fee in the garage across the street.
Contact: Schlossberg Hotel, Kaiser-Franz-Josef Kai 30, A-8010 Graz, tel. +43/0316/80 70-0, fax +43/0316/80 70 70, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Daily Rates: Rooms from about €220
Rating: Quality 16/20, Value 13/20